Monday, March 2, 2009

Installment 1

Greetings: I have never written a blog but I think that I may start. It might be a therapeutic way to vent and not go 'postal', tell me what you think as this may very well be my first entry... Someone almost stole my joy today. I did something that I never do, this morning I went for a jog, like at 5:30am I was in the cold running. So I started my day out right, and came to work with alot of energy. I guess my punishment for not making it to church on yesterday was the mental anguish that I had to go through this morning. Ok anguish might be a strong word to use, but I was a little frustrated to say the least. Things at work have not been the same for some time and that has been wearing on me, but once I was being attacked by what I call the devil, I had to ask a friend about contentment. We use that word when we have become complacent at work and want to punish ourselves for not pushing beyond our current situation. But she helped me to see it in a different light. Contentment in the Lord, wow looking at your situation and knowing ok my God is going to take care of this. Being content and leaving the pressures of the world exactly where they are and taking your burdens to him and laying them down. This is hard though, because as flesh we can't, I mean won't let go sometimes until its too late, but think about the good things that you do have...I have a job, when so many are looking and Governor's are wanting to deny stimulus money earmarked for unemployment benefits; I have GREAT friends/family and a support system that wants to see the best from me, I'm healthy, and I look good(ok so I threw that one in) but what I'm trying to say is that beyond what is directly in front of me, there is a Prince of Peace that has promised me happiness, but I have to seek him to enjoy. I claim contentment this day, not to let man nor his weapons to deter me from what is already in the works. I hope that this has given you what you have needed because it has proved...there is power in his word Love, peace and know I love you!

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